6 research outputs found

    How to perform a simultaneous optimization with several response variables

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    A problem facing the product development community is developing simultaneous solutions of response variables (to several properties) that depends on a number of independent variables or sets of responses. Harrington, among others, addressed this problem and presented a desirability function with a functional approach. Derringer and Suich altered their approach and illustrated how multiple variables can be transformed into a convenience function. This work redid the calculation performed by them using another software and made a comparative discussion of the results found

    Scientific research trends about metaheuristics in process optimization and case study using the desirability function

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    This study aimed to identify the research gaps in Metaheuristics, taking into account the publications entered in a database in 2015 and to present a case study of a company in the Sul Fluminense region using the Desirability function. To achieve this goal, applied research of exploratory nature and qualitative approach was carried out, as well as another of quantitative nature. As method and technical procedures were the bibliographical research, some literature review, and an adopted case study respectively. As a contribution of this research, the holistic view of opportunities to carry out new investigations on the theme in question is pointed out. It is noteworthy that the identified study gaps after the research were prioritized and discriminated, highlighting the importance of the viability of metaheuristic algorithms, as well as their benefits for process optimization

    As perdas e o desperdício de alimentos na região Sul Fluminense: um estudo multicasos no varejo supermercadista

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    Estima-se que o desperdício global de alimentos para consumo humano em toda a cadeia de suprimento alimentar (incluindo pré e pós-consumo) seja superior a 50%, i. e., um terço dos alimentos produzidos é desperdiçado, o que representa 1,3 giga tonelada de alimentos. Há consenso entre diversos autores de que o desperdício de alimentos é um grande problema na sociedade moderna e acarreta custos sociais, econômicos e ambientais consideráveis, devendo ser reduzido. O desperdício de alimentos é parte da perda de alimentos, sendo este segundo o termo predominantemente utilizado no varejo. O setor do varejo alimentício está inserido na responsabilidade compartilhada dos resíduos sólidos, um dos mecanismos da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, devendo buscar meios para minimizar o volume de resíduos sólidos e rejeitos. Para tanto, a questão norteadora do trabalho foi como o varejo supermercadista na região Sul Fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro atua no combate às perdas ou desperdício de alimentos. A metodologia se apoiou no estudo multicasos para identificar as diferentes formas de gestão das perdas do varejo da região. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas e informações de entidades do setor varejista da região e seus stakeholders. Os resultados apontaram que as categorias Frutas, Legumes e Verduras (FLV); Açougue; e Padaria, cujos produtos possuem maior perecibilidade, apresentam maior percentual de perdas em relação às demais categorias. As principais causas das perdas do setor foram a quebra operacional, o furto externo e o furto interno. Para as redes regionais foi evidenciado maior número de estratégias de prevenção de perdas adotadas em relação às redes locais e empresas independentes. No que tange às responsabilidades compartilhadas com seus fornecedores, não foi fornecida informação suficiente de forma a proporcionar maiores discussões. Como estratégias de destinação, as empresas elencaram a comercialização de recicláveis e o descarte. Espera-se que os varejistas se sintam motivados a combater as perdas e o desperdício de alimentos.It is estimated that the overall waste of food for consumption in a whole food supply chain (including pre and post consumer consumption) is over 50%, i. e., one third of food produced and wasted, accounting for 1.3 giga ton of food. There is consensus among several authors that food waste is a major problem in modern society and entails considerable social, economic and environmental costs and should be reduced. Food waste is part of the loss of food, the latter being the predominant term used in retail. The food retail sector is part of the shared responsibility of solid waste, one of the mechanisms of the National Solid Waste Policy, and should seek ways to minimize the volume of solid waste and waste. For this, the guiding question of the work was how the supermarket retailer in the South Fluminense region of the State of Rio de Janeiro acts in the fight against losses or food waste. The methodology was based on the multi-case study to identify the different ways of managing retail losses in the region. Data collection was done through interviews and information from entities of the retail sector of the region and its staheolders. The results showed that the Fruits and Vegetables; Butchery; and Bakery, categories whose products have greater perishability, present a higher percentage of losses in relation to the other categories. The main causes of the losses of the sector were the operational breakdown, the external theft and the internal theft. For the regional networks, a greater number of loss prevention strategies were shown in relation to local networks and independent companies. With regard to shared responsibilities with its suppliers, sufficient information was not provided to provide further discussion. As destination strategies, the companies listed the commercialization of recyclables and disposal. Retailers are expected to be motivated to avoid losses and food waste.128 p

    Using the paired T-Test to compare suppliers

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    The manufacture of industrial products requires rigorous quality, which is why they need to be in compliance. It is therefore essential that two different suppliers present products within the same specifications. The aim of this article is to show a case study carried out in a company in the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which used the Paired T Test to compare two types of foam for hospital mattresses. The results showed that supplier 1 produces a foam below the specified thickness of 11 cm while supplier 2 produces a foam within the specified value, so supplier 1 would be rejected and supplier 2's service would be used

    Application of the exponential distribution to improve environmental quality in a company in the south of Rio de Janeiro State

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    Water for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals demands rigorous quality, so it requires successive purification steps to meet the requirements of Brazilian legislation. Likewise, the effluent generated in the production process also requires treatment before its disposal into water bodies. The monitoring of water quality and industrial effluent is carried out through laboratory analysis, in many cases by third-party laboratories at a high cost. The objective of this article is to show a case study that was carried out in a company in the South of the State of Rio de Janeiro and that used the Continuous Exponential Probability Distribution to paver the useful life of an industrial effluent filtration equipment

    The titans sustainability and industry 4.0 working for the planet earth

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    The history of industry is marked by revolutions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides opportunities for sustainability, and means to reduce environmental degradation and social inclusion. This article aims to identify which factors impact the sustainability of an organization. The exploratory research was carried out by means of literature review and bibliographic research to achieve the objective of conducting a bibliometric study, identifying the evolution of publications, and the authors that make up this field of knowledge. It is necessary for companies and industries to be introduced to the global changes that Industry 4.0 has introduced in the manufacturing environment, making it possible to develop sustainable processes and products